Conference - SZÁMALK - 29th of September 2015

The Italian and Irish Computer Society (AICA and ICS) and representatives of the Enrico Fermi Institute, Technical and Business High School and the teachers of the four national vocational school presented the EUCIP Core system,where pilot examiners were attended. They presented the training modules thematics, examination requirements and the related auxiliaries in the Conference under the title „Acknowledged in Europe IT professional certification in domestic vocational education”.

The introductory lecture of the conference was held by Maria Hartyányi,who is  the leader of iTStudy Hungary Research and Training Center Ltd. Maria contended that the EUCIP exam test in hungarian language has been completed under the project. In the pilot phase 200 Hungarian students passed the examination from one or more modules of the EUCIP Core qualifications. The EUCIP modules course books are completed, and will soon be available. In the near future the accreditation of the „30 hours IT-Coach teacher further training program will take place, which offers help for the teachers to prepare their students for the EUCIP exam. The students will able to prepare for the exam in distance learing way, using internet.

According to the feedbacks, among the participants there were a great interest. According to published questionnaire survey at the end of the Conference, more than 96% the interest for the future EUCIP system in Hungary. Several people asked, when the program would be start, and when would it be available for their students.

The pilot exam experiences, results and the structure of the Plan module were presented by the teacher of Öveges József Vocational and Grammar School, Anita Gondán, in which she stated that at the first time the students did not really understand why would it be good for them to acquire IT knowledge beside economy knowledge, and at first it seemed strange topic. However by the end of the training they realised that an everyday things were discussed, which could be very useful for the period of taking a job. That was the most successful module.

The Build module were presented by the teachers of Számalk-Szalézi Vocational Highschool, Helén Hegedűs & Katalin Cséfalvy. This knowledge area primarily concerned with the problems that may arise in case of IT infrastructure development in the enterprises; and deals with what kind of criteria should be taken into account, when it have to decide which one is more advantageous for the company: the custom software development or the already ready available software at the market. The modul also includes programming knowledge, but the emphasis is not ont he programming knowledge, but rather a comprehensive theoretical knowledge is. In case of IT administrators and CAD-CAM training Build module need to a special attention during the preparation.

Erika Menyhárt (from Neumann János Vocational School for Information Technology), and Ágnes Kis (from Galamb József Agricultural Vocational School) Erika Menyhárt and Ágnes Kis devided their experiences achieved during the Operate module with the audience that the system administrator training (OKJ) totally covers this topic.

Our students thought that they would successfully pass without preparation. However, the operation systems have a lot of settings and functions that the students were inexperienced with before the exam. This part of the exam, therefore, requires serious preparation. This field is completely covered by the Hungarian training (OKJ); however, the relating material had to be moved back. Therefore, this part should not present graduate students with too much difficulty, but they have to familiarize themselves with the method of testing. (type of questions)

The students considered the preparation very good, but few of them used the online materials, but this is expected to increase when more people will join to the exam system. The test was considered modern and found with good conditions - according to the curriculum.

The issue 10. edited by Szilvia Töreky (iTStudy Hungary Ltd.). You can read more about it here:

Newsletter issue 10.

The final conference lectures materials are available here:

European Level Competitive IT Certification for the Hungarian VET - RESULTs vs AIMs, Mária Hartyányi project coordinatoriTStudy Hungary Research and Training Center Ltd.

The presence and the future: from EUCIP to e-CFplus,   Pierfranco Ravotto, AICA, Association of Italian Information Technology

EUCIP Core in Italy – the experiences of the teachers Adriana Fasulo IT teacher, IS Fermi in Pontedera


Exam Experience​s:

Plan module, Anita Gondán economy &marketing teacher, Öveges József Vocational and Grammar School, Balatonfűzfő, Hungary

Build module , Helén Hegedűs deputy director, and Katalin Cséfalvay driver practical education, Számalk-Szalézi Vocational Highschool, Budapest

Operate module, Menyhárt Erika igazgatóhelyettes, Budapesti Műszaki Szakképzési Centrum Neumann János Számítástechnikai Szakközépiskolája, Budapest

Operate module, Ágnes Kiss  IT teacher, tanár, Galamb József Agricultural Vocational School, Makó, Hungary

Experiences of the exams, and suggestions for the Hungarian VET Schools,  Ildikó Sediviné Balassa leader, Számalk-Szalézi Vocational Highschool, Budapest

How students see the EUCIP Core examination, Lajos Péter Tóth deputy director, Öveges József Vocational and Grammar School, Balatonfűzfő