I-T Shape Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting of I-T Shape project held in Budapest at SZÁMALK-SZALÉZI Vocational Educational High School in November 21-23 2013. The aim of the meeting was that the partners could know each-others and their profiles, activities and their interest in IT-Shape. The partners were discussed the project aims, objectives and the whole work packages. They discussed about the administrative and financial issues, and tasks about management.

The representative of the donor partner (P1-AICA- Association of Italian Information Technology), Fabrizio Agnesi and Pierfranco Ravotto presented the background and the main concepts behind the EUCIP (European Certification of Informatics Professionals) Programme, and the EUCIP Core Certification – the consortium intends to adapt into the Hungarian vocational and adult education. The WPs was introduced byts leader, than general overviews were given on the aims, methods by the leaders of the WPs.

On the second day's aim was to overview the project's work programme and to have a consultation on the concrete steps to start the collaboration in the WPs.