


As the closing of EUCIP Core program the students participating in the pilot test of three training modules with the CORE certification, Planning (56 student), Build (55 student), Operate (85 student)

The Italian and Irish Computer Society (AICA and ICS) and representatives of the Enrico Fermi Institute, Technical and Business High School and the teachers of the four national vocational school presented the EUCIP Core system,where pilot examiners were attended.

In order the EUCIP Core to be successful, it is important to get feedback from those students who were the first participants of EUCIP Core education and exams. Materials to help the preparation for the exam were given to the participants. Moreover, trainings in various periods were held.  The students prepare for the exam partly in these trainings, partly by themselves. The examination was held with the involvement of students who had taken part in the pilot training and had taken at least one exam (in one module). An online questionnaire with 21 questions was made. The access to this questionnaire was given to the students. Most of the questions were multiple-choice but open questions were also asked.

In the EUCIP IT Administrator Fundamentals exam the students had a chance to experience the exam situations and the method of testing. In Hungary multiple answer tests are hardly ever used in really important exams. Therefore, our students were happy to take this type of exam since the correct answer was provided too and it was easier for them to spot. Without the possible answer the students could not have answered the questions.  During the school year not all the material was covered that popped up in the ITAF exam. The syllabus of the candidates who participated in the courses and the syllabus of our school did not overlap entirely with that of the ITAF exam so a couple of topics would have come up a later time. On the other hand, the syllabus covered the major topics so it did not present difficulties.

Introducing and implementing the EUCIP Core training programme can only be efficient and successful if young professionals completing the training have a chance to be employed not only in Europe but also in Hungary. In the framework of the I-TShape project, the Pest County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion (PFEP) undertook to survey Hungarian stakeholders of the economy to assess the infrastructural background of various businesses, the status of this infrastructure, the conditions of its operation and the expectations towards professionals who operate and develop it. The results and conclusions of the survey are important for us, as we can use them in designing a training programme tailored to the needs of the Hungarian market demands that and then integrating it into the vocational training system in Hungary.

The third IT-Shape meeting, attended by representatives of the 10 project partners, took place on 24th and 25th October 2014 at the Irish Computer Society in Dublin. The Dublin meeting followed the Italian meeting which took place in April in Pontedera. The meetings occur regularly to evaluate, discuss and set new activities to be carried out by the project group.

The IT Administrator is an independent IT qualifications within the EUCIP system, which write the necessary competences for the „administrator” position. The 3.0 version of the IT Administrator (EUCIP) defines a narrower set of competences, which allows to possess a basic exam, and obtaining a EUCIP IT Administrator Fundamentals (ITAF) certificate. To obtain this ITAF certificate the candidates have to proof their knowledge in four areas (Hardware, Operating systems, Networks and IT security).

The second IT-Shape meeting, attended by representatives of the 10 project partners, took place on 1st, 2nd and 3rd April 2014 at ITCG E. Fermi in Pontedera. The Pontedera meeting followed the kick-off meeting that took place in November in Budapest (Hungary). Between the two meetings, six months of hard work on the project.

"AICA – Associazione italiana per l’Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico – is an Italian Association, member of CEPIS the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies. AICA promotes the IT professionalism  by means of its annual Congress, its journal “Mondo digitale”, researches, projects and courses. It participates to the CEN IT Skills Workshop which has developed the European e-Competence Framework.

"Demand for e-skills has been growing steadily during the last years all over the world. According to the study published in the frame of European e-Skills Forum: “e-Skills shortages will result in an excess demand of 384.000 ICT practitioners in 2015.” (Körte, W. B., Hüsing T.: Evaluation of the Implementation of the EC's Communication on "e-Skills for the 21st Century", Empirica, Bonn).

The kick-off meeting of I-T Shape project held in Budapest at SZÁMALK-SZALÉZI Vocational Educational High School in November 21-23 2013. The aim of the meeting was that the partners could know each-others and their profiles, activities and their interest in IT-Shape. The partners were discussed the project aims, objectives and the whole work packages. They discussed about the administrative and financial issues, and tasks about management.